This is a list of excellent tree climbing related opportunities. Everything from guided climbs to detailed instruction for recreational, research, and professional work climbers.

There is no preferential hierarchy in the list below. Browse and enjoy!

This is a limited list, more to come.

Rope to the forest canopy

Tree Climbing!

GOTC, Global Organization of Tree Climbers

The GOTC website is a great place to explore the worlds of recreational and research tree climbing. GOTC currently hosts the Annual Tree Climber Rendezvous, well worth looking into whether you’re a beginner or a pro tree climber. Many resources are available here, take a look.

Tree Climbing Planet

Tim Kovar is one of the most respected tree climbing instructors on our fair Planet Earth, his school name is more than appropriate. Tim leads Amazon adventure climbs and teaches tree climbing throughout the world. Tree Climbing Planet’s home base is in eastern Oregon, U.S. All of the details can be found on the TCP website.

TCI, Tree Climbers International

Peter Jenkins of TCI invented modern rope and harness recreational tree climbing as we know it. TCI founders Peter and Patty Jenkins are based in the Atlanta, Georgia area, they’ve been been a major force developing a cadre of tree climbing instructors nationally and internationally. TCI started the tradition in the United States of an annual multi-day tree climber gathering, affectionately known as “The Rendezvous” or ‘Vous”. More recently TCI has developed a focus on teaching the basics of becoming a skilled and safe tree worker. Their courses for beginning and advanced recreational tree climbers have always been excellent. The TCI website is a strong resource for everything related to rope and harness tree climbing.